Saturday, June 28, 2008


I was excited for this module and to see what feminist views are out their related to family and marriage. Growing up in my family closely matched the Equal Partners Model. Both of my parents are teachers so their work outside the home was pretty much even. Inside the home both of my parents took turns taking us to school, or practices and picking us up, or making dinner and what not. They both took on roles with the house keeping as well; my mother usually vacuumed, dusted, laundry, etc., while my dad kept up with the outside work of mowing our enormous lawn, getting up leaves, taking out the trash and what not. I think that they did a fair job of splitting the chores, and of course we always had our chores that took a lot of the work load off them. They also took turns staying home with us when we were sick and going on field trips. I would consider them to be great representatives of the Equal Partners Role.

In my own marriage thus far we have also striven for the Equal Partner Model. He currently is working full time, which he decided to do especially so we could get married, goes to school part time, and does the cooking; while I go to school full time, have a part time job, and do most of the other house work. So far it has worked out rather well. I think that I would like to keep with in the same model when I do have children someday. When it comes to power we both have an equal say and like to talk about life decisions and all the many other things that can arise in a marriage. I think that a marriage should work around each others strengths and weaknesses when determining roles and a little give and take here and there when things can't work exactly as planned. For me, I have been motivated to help people and work with children since I was younger, so I am ecstatic about pursuing my career, yet I also want children of my own, finding a balance between the two will certainly be a challenge when the time comes. I think for American women that has been such a major struggle, society moving forward faster than family life has put mothers in a predicament having to keep up with both!


luisamorgan said...


I think its great that you and your husband have figured out what works for you and makes you happy! So important in a marriage.
I'm curious to know whether you chose the Equal Partner Model for your marriage, because of the way you grew up and the way your parents did it. Was your husband's childhood similar? And was this something you two had to talk about, or were your roles assumed when you got married?


Jenny said...

Well, both my family and my husband's are pretty much the Equal Partner Model and I certainly think that had a lot to do with why we are now. But, for the most part it kind of just fell into place, I was better at school, haha, and we needed insurance and benefits so he decided to go to school part time because he was already going to graduate later than planned anyway, and get a full time job.I already had a part time job so that stayed the same, and I always like my place tidy anyway so cleaning for one more person wasn't that big a deal. And that's how the story goes!