Sunday, July 20, 2008

not cool

Gendered violence is a scary situation. Considering the cultural ideals set in place by men that men are in control does not put any woman at ease. I am always on guard when out at night walking to my car or on campus by myself. It is sad that we have to live in fear for our lives. Men do not go through the kind of paranoia that most women have when it comes to simply trying to live out our lives in peace. You never know what power driven man is hiding in the bushes ready to pounce. It seriously creeps me out to even go running outside during the day by myself! Also the control within other cultures that is taken to serious degrees of control because of men. Watching the video our classmate posted online about the ten year old child married off was insane to think of! The parents insisted that they were doing what was best and that the husband promised not to touch her until she was twenty?! Do they really think that this forty year old man wants their ten year old child to raise as his own child, that is what it would honestly be if he wasn't having sex with her. Absolutely ridiculous! I blame the parents just as much as the husband. And then to find out that the husband got paid for it, wow, then you know it's a patriarchal society. It seems the women are just used and that is the extent of their lives. How do we stop this obscene abuse that occurs in every culture in some shape or form?

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